Lenna Morgraine
This was my first character that I made, that I actually felt a connection to. At first she was a throw away character, that I had no backstory for. The cliched "Hero without a past" story that we've seen many times before. She originally was just there to hit stuff hard, and then hit it again even harder. For this article I am going to focus what I was doing with her, and had the campaign not ended when it did where I was going with her. I won't go into character, as that will be saved for a later article.
We run off the system of "Roll 4d4s drop the lowest, re-roll any 1s", as a house rule. So our stat rolls can be either ridiculously high or more normal... Lenna was ridiculously high. At level 1 her stats were: 18, 16, 16, 16, 14, 16 in that order. This came in handy for smacking stuff, and when allowed, scaring the ever loving bejeebus out of people (more of this in a later article). But onto the character build!
Lenna's Skill Points were mostly vested into Intimidation, with a fighter not having many Class Skills that aren't made harder to invest in due to Armor Check Penalties, this was my bread and butter skill. With other points going into stuff like Sense Motive, Search, Spot, Bluff, Diplomacy. Intimidate was the main skill she used out of battle when she needed to do something face-of-the-partyish, we had a Sorcerer as our main face so his vastly superior Charisma came in handy.
As for fighting style, I built Lenna as a "Crowd Controller" for the most part, as we were running into big groups of enemies consistently. So often was the case in which you heard "Hey, it's cleave time!" followed up by DungeonMaster Sauvie muttering something about hating her as she hacked through his minions. While she could have used something like a Great Sword for incredibly crazy high damage I wanted something more elegant so I envisioned a Katana-like Bastard sword and went with that. It helped my image of her as when I considered a Great Sword, I just didn't see her going through crowds with one and being able to be graceful with it, so I took a happy medium (1d10 damage isn't something to scoff at with a fighter).
As she leveled up, I took the basic Focus/Specialization feats as well as the Quick Draw feat that any Fighter should take, and then I started to get some more standard feats such as the ability to sunder better, to be better at bullrushing, as well as to perform more Attacks of Opportunities, and finally an expanded critical range on her sword. Then I was starting to get creative, I had things at my disposal such as the ability to make enemies cower. I was going to go along the path of making her able to possibly one-shot enemies that she critical hits, but alas I did not get that far with her.
From her build, she was the typical average Fighter for the most part, you attack her and then she destroys your family line with her sword... If that doesn't work, she will do it again the next turn.
So this is an idea of how I built her, and on the next episode I will go over how she evolved as a character from a throw away, to my favorite character to date.
Art courtesy of Chris Ducharme.
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