Saturday, May 7, 2011

Lenna Morgraine, the Evolution...

Lenna Morgraine

The character of Lenna, as I stated in the previous post was originally a throwaway, but nearly instantly she grew a character. She was a brash, hot-headed person who felt passionately about defending the downtrodden.  Pretty much, she was at first your typical hero you'd find in most media.

In the first session, she got instant character development (What? It counts, she didn't have one to start with!) when the party found a small village that had been absolutely destroyed, and any survivors were captured except for a small Elf girl. It was with this, that I thought up on the spot that Lenna should have a natural maternal instinct. With that she became rather protective of the girl after she and the party saved her. She kept rather close to the girl, and even took the time to help her adjust to not having anyone that she knew around her. Sadly we never resolved that plot thread on what happened to the survivors, as I wished that we had. After another attack on the village the party, fended them off and captured an female Orc. It took some time but Lenna eventually managed to get a few words of explanation from the prisoner and soon set her free.

They made it to the Kingdom, and the first thing that happens is that a guard attacks firing a bow at their feet, quite close to Lenna who snaps. She goes on a tirade against him, and intimidated him to the point he may have become sterile. She pretty much swears a blood feud against him, and that plays out with the said intimidation. Morale of the story? You don't screw with her.

Ridiculous things do indeed happen with Lenna, it was discovered she is not above using unconventional weapons to her advantage. In fact there was a point in which she and the Cleric of the party broke into the castle and kidnapped a false queen and when she could not wield her sword... Lenna used the queen as a rather large bludgeoning weapon, quite adeptly. While she was constantly reprimanded by the Cleric for her actions, she continued to do so until they had finally escaped. The queen was found to be a Drow agent posing as the true queen, and they quickly reinstated the proper Royal Family into power... Minus the king, Lenna did not like that manwhore.

By the end of the campaign, Lenna had helped save another town named Estonth which was the home to a cavalcade of refugees of various races. The party left the young Elf girl here, and traveled deep into a Drow city and defeated their commanders and managed to escape with Lenna bringing a Drow female with them, who later was rumored to be romantically linked to Lenna. After returning, Lenna decided to settle down in Estonth and work within the city to defend it.

Post Campaign she ended up having a child, with an unnamed man several years later and was sadly later killed during a raid. The circumstances behind her death still remain a mystery as to why the town of Estonth was raided.

So this is a very very condensed write up, and not very well done. I sadly kept really shoddy notes on Lenna though I wish I kept better notes.

Art provided by Mexrage

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